California Real Estate Manual

An authoritative, current legal resource to aid the practice of the real estate agency, appraising and attorney communities of California.
Publisher: Michie
Print Book :1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
In Stock
ISBN: 9781663383204
Publisher: Michie
International Order Inquiry

Product description

The California Real Estate Manual provides the real estate agency, appraising and attorney communities of California with a comprehensive resource that is designed to help professionals succeed in their practice and protect their clients' interests.

The volume includes relevant material from a broad range of code sections, including but not limited to Business & Professions, Civil, Civil Procedure, Insurance, and Public Resources Code, as well as selected sections from Title 10 (Investment) from the California Code of Regulations.

This compilation of selected sections is current with statutory amendments required by legislative enactments. We have also included a Table of Sections Affected for a quick, at-a-glance check of changes to the laws contained in this book.