Personal Injury Practice in North Carolina

This practical guide covers North Carolina personal injury law, including bad faith, DWIs, commercial and trucking cases, soft tissue injury, premises liability, and major injury.

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Print Book:Hardbound with pocketpart supplement
3rd Edition with 2017 Supplement
ISBN: 9781632836083
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3rd Edition with 2017 Supplement
ISBN: 9781632836076
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3rd Edition with 2017 Supplement
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Table of contents

About the Co-Editors
Chapter Authors

CHAPTER 1     The Analysis and Investigation of Personal Injury Cases
John M. McCabe

CHAPTER 2     Insurance Coverage for Injuries Arising Out of the Use of an Automobile
Don Higley

CHAPTER 3     Insurance Bad Faith Considerations for the Lawyer Handling Personal Injury Claims In North Carolina
J. David Stradley and Robert P. Holmes

CHAPTER 4     Soft Tissue Injury Cases
Michael S. Rothrock

CHAPTER 5     Definitive and Major Injury Cases
Douglas Abrams, Margaret S. Abrams and Noah B. Abrams

CHAPTER 6     DWI and Other Punitive Issues
Michelle B. Clifton

CHAPTER 7     Identifying, Retaining and Training Your Expert Witnesses
Kevin Williams

CHAPTER 8     Arbitration of UM/UIM Insurance Matters
Christopher R. Nichols

CHAPTER 9     Commercial and Trucking Cases
Brian Davis

CHAPTER 10   Premises Liability—A Slippery Floor in North Carolina
Adrienne Blocker

CHAPTER 11   Disbursements
Gary Clemmons and Michael F. Roessler
