Massachusetts Real Estate Laws Annotated

A collection of the laws, regulations, and court rules that Massachusetts attorneys and real estate practitioners need day-to-day.
Publisher: Michie
Print Book :1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
In Stock
ISBN: 9781663385093
Publisher: Michie
International Order Inquiry

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This portable, highly affordable single-volume edition provides a useful survey of the laws and regulations governing real property in Massachusetts which attorneys and real estate practitioners will need in their day-to-day practices.

Laws are presented by section, enriched by annotations and history notes. The volume also features a comprehensive index for fast discovery of key topics.

Included are relevant sections of the Annotated Laws of Massachusetts – spanning topics from Unlawful Discrimination, to Title to Real Property, Insurance, Costs & Fees, and more.

The volume also includes the Massachusetts Housing Court Rules, and the relevant chapters from Title 254 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations.

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