Hawaii Advance Code Service

The Hawaii Revised Statutes Annotated Advance Code Service is a series of three cumulative pamphlets published at quarterly intervals, preceding the annual Cumulative Supplement.
Publisher: LexisNexis
Print Book :Print Book
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ISBN: 9780327110835
Publisher: LexisNexis
International Order Inquiry

Product description

The Hawaii Revised Statutes Annotated Advance Code Service is a series of three cumulative pamphlets published at quarterly intervals, preceding the annual Cumulative Supplement. The pamphlets provide the user with the most up-to-date judicial decisions from state and federal courts, as well as up-to-date opinions from the Office of Information Practices and Attorney General, current law review and American Law Reports articles. As necessary, it also sets our statutory corrections and/or provides constitutional and statutory updates as the result of elections.

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