Stein on Probate: Administration of Decedents' Estates Under the Uniform Code as Enacted in Minnesota

Cited five times by the Minnesota Court of Appeals, , the new edition of Stein on Probate is the most comprehensive, authoritative, and practical reference on Minnesota probate law available. It expounds and explains in an orderly way on the rules and procedures governing the administration of a decedent's estate, including Minnesota's income tax, inheritance tax, and estate tax collection procedures.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:One volume looseleaf
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780327164074
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Cited five times by the Minnesota Court of Appeals, the new edition of Stein on Probate is the most comprehensive, authoritative, and practical reference on Minnesota probate law available. It expounds and explains in an orderly way on the rules and procedures governing the administration of a decedent's estate, including Minnesota's income tax, inheritance tax, and estate tax collection procedures. Beginning with a discussion of what to do when death occurs, the book describes each of the actions required and the options available in every phase of estate administration - from the original application through the final distribution.

This valuable resource contains virtually all of the primary authorities an attorney or personal representative would commonly use in administering a decedent's estate: the relevant statutes; the multi-party accounts act; the Minnesota inheritance tax law; the federal estate tax law; and the various Minnesota county court rules pertaining to probate proceedings.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Chapter 2 : The Probate System: Courts, Appeals, Judges, Jurisdiction, and Venue

Chapter 3 : Immediate Predeath and Postdeath Considerations

Chapter 4 : Initiation of Probate, Appointment, and other Proceedings; Special Proceedings Including Descent Decrees and Summary Administration

Chapter 5 : Administration of the Estate: Powers and Duties of the Personal Representative

Chapter 6 : Creditors' Claims

Chapter 7 : Closing the Estate: Distribution of Assets and Compromise of Controversies

Chapter 8 : Ancillary Administration

Chapter 9 : Nonprobate Assets

Chapter 10 : Real Property Titles

Chapter 11 : Income Taxation of Decedents and of Estates of Decedents

Chapter 12 : Federal Estate Tax Procedures

Chapter 13 : Minnesota Estate Tax Procedures

Chapter 14 : Reserved

Chapter 15 : Probate Rules

Chapter 16 : Reserved

Chapter 17 : Statutes
