Midwest Transaction Guide for Real Estate

Midwest Transaction Guide for Real Estate is a complete guide to real estate law covering current business practices, procedures and forms in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. This guide summarizes state and federal law, relevant statutes, regulations and secondary legal sources.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:3 volumes, looseleaf, updated annually
ISBN: 9781522133421
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Product description

Gain authoritative real estate content on behalf of your Illinois, Indiana and Michigan clients with the Midwest Transaction Guide for Real Estate. This three volume set features 31 chapters covering a wide array of topics arising in a real estate context from leases to purchase and sales, as well as coverage of specific types of real estate and specialized areas such as condominiums and planned unit developments, shopping centers, mobile home parks, and environmental concerns. This guide summarizes state and federal law, relevant statutes, regulations and secondary legal sources.

Material in this publication is also published in Midwest Transaction Guide.

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Table of contents

1 Agreements with Brokers

2 Options

3 Sales Contracts

4 Exchanges

5 Land Trusts

6 Real Property Secured Transactions


7 Title Examination and Insurance

8 Deeds and Conveyancing

9 Closing

10 Homesteads

11 Easements, Profits, Licenses, and Restrictive Covenants

12 Party Walls and Boundary Agreements

13 Property Management

14 Joint Ventures

15 Real Estate Syndicates

16 Real Estate Investment Trusts and Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits

17 Subdivisions

18 Environmental Regulation

19 Agreements with Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

20 Construction Contracts and Subcontracts

21 Construction Financing

22 Mechanics' Liens

23 Condominiums and Planned Unit Developments

24 Shopping Centers

25 Mobile Home Parks

26 Ground Leases

27 Commercial, Industrial, and Office Leases

28 Residential Leases

29 General Lease Provisions

30 Assignment and Sublease of Leasehold Interests

31 Modification and Termination of Leases