The Online Courtroom: Leveraging Remote Technology in Litigation

This book is a comprehensive guide to using online technologies to conduct virtual litigation practices.

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ISBN: 9781639050338
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ISBN: 9781639050338
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International Order Inquiry

Product description

This book is a comprehensive guide to using online technologies to conduct virtual litigation practices.

Table of Contents:

  1. Why Take Litigation Online? Disruption and Innovation
  2. Views from the Bench
  3. Views from Counsel Table
  4. Views from the Witness Box
  5. Views from the Jury Box
  6. Meeting the Technical Challenges of Online Litigation
  7. Addressing the Legal Permissibility of Online Litigation
  8. Preserving the Representativeness of Jury Pools in Online Trials
  9. Online Client and Witness Meetings
  10. Taking and Defending Online Depositions
  11. Online Arguments to the Court
  12. Credibility and Communication in an Online Environment
  13. Implementing Technology for Remote Trials
  14. Managing Jurors in the Virtual Courtroom from Summons to Deliberation
  15. Online Jury Selection
  16. Online Testimony
  17. Online Use of Trial Exhibits and Demonstratives
  18. Instructions for Online Juries
  19. Socially Distanced and Online Jury Deliberations
  20. The Future of Online Litigation

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