The Valuation of Monetary Damages in Injury Cases: A Damages Expert's Perspective

The Valuation of Monetary Damages is a practical, thorough, and process-oriented guide to evaluate injury damages, applying methods grounded in sound principles of vocational rehabilitation and life care planning.

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ISBN: 9781639051526
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ISBN: 9781639051526
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International Order Inquiry

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The Valuation of Monetary Damages in Injury Cases includes many examples and work samples presented derive from actual cases, and accompanying discussions intend to provide on-point, insightful, and instructive analyses to promote the discernment and presentation of injury damages. Additionally, this book offers many practical, tested resources—information-gathering forms, sample retention letters and agreements, affidavits, and administrative documents, etc. — to facilitate and safeguard expert and lawyer efforts to gather, assemble, and preserve information necessary to perform competent analyses during adversarial proceedings.

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