Library of New Jersey Family Law Forms

Library of New Jersey Family Law Forms is a comprehensive library of 175+ MODEL DOCUMENTS for your family law practice. Find a wide variety of forms from initial summons through ADR, trial and relief, as well as non-litigation sample documents.
Publisher: ALM

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ISBN: 9781576254776
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International Order Inquiry

Product description

Library of New Jersey Family Law Forms is a comprehensive library of 175+ MODEL DOCUMENTS for your family law practice. Find a wide variety of forms from initial summons through ADR, trial and relief, as well as non-litigation sample documents. Library includes forms for divorce, domestic violence matters, child custody (visitation, support) worksheets, prenuptual agreements, civil union agreements, sample documents for alimony, adoption, division of financial assets, distribution of property. This soft cover book contains a printed version of each form. Also included is a CD of forms, allowing for easy drafting and editing of Word documents.