Pretrial Motions in Criminal Prosecutions

Pretrial Motions in Criminal Prosecutions provides a readable one-volume discussion of critical areas of pretrial motion practice. The book features discussion of issues relating to the myriad of motions that may be brought in a criminal prosecution. The book identifies the most salient grounds for pretrial motions, explain the issues that commonly arise, and provide a succinct statement of the governing law.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:1 volume, hardbound
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781663398284
Estimated: December 31, 2024
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6th Edition
ISBN: 9781663398291
Estimated: December 31, 2024
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Criminal practice demands that lawyers consider a far-ranging array of pretrial challenges regardless of whether the case is actually tried at some later point. Pretrial Motions in Criminal Prosecutions provides a readable one-volume discussion of critical areas of pretrial motion practice. The book features discussion of issues relating to the myriad of motions that may be brought in a criminal prosecution. A sample omnibus motion is provided to demonstrate how a lawyer can skillfully encompass multiple considerations in a single motion. The book identifies the most salient grounds for pretrial motions, explain the issues that commonly arise, and provide a succinct statement of the governing law. In addition, Pivotal Points are supplied in many sections to conveniently highlight more important aspects of an issue. To ensure the book’s usefulness to lawyers in all jurisdictions, it extensively uses federal case law.

Use the author's first-hand experience to learn about the law of pretrial motions as it is actually interpreted on the streets and in courts of law. Clearly written and comprehensive in scope, Pretrial Motions in Criminal Prosecutions offers expert insight on such issues as motions to suppress, search and seizure, and identification procedures, as well as current guidelines governing specific pretrial motions such as withdrawal of counsel and disqualification of a judge. Extensive case citations illustrate the applications of the law.

The 5th edition ISBN is 9781522196921.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 Motions to Suppress Evidence

Chapter 2 Search and Seizure

Chapter 3 Confessions and Admissions

Chapter 4 Identification Procedures

Chapter 5 Discovery, Competency, and Related Motions

Chapter 6 Motions to Quash Subpoenas

Chapter 7 Review of Conditions of Pretrial Release

Chapter 8 Pretrial Detention

Chapter 9 Forfeiture of Property

Chapter 10 Preliminary Examination

Chapter 11 Motions to Dismiss Indictments or Informations

Chapter 12 Joinder and Severance of Offenses or Defendants

Chapter 13 Motion in Limine

Chapter 14 Change of Venue

Chapter 15 Motions to Exclude the Public or Press or Seal the Record

Chapter 16 Disqualification of the Trial Judge

Chapter 17 Withdrawal By or Disqualification of Counsel

Chapter 18 Withdrawal of Guilty Pleas

Chapter 19 Motions for Continuance

Chapter 20 Defense Witnesses Immunity and Refusal to Testify

Table of Cases

Table of Statutes
