Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary

A comprehensive set of over 290 pattern jury instructions with detailed commentary explaining the intricacies of Maryland criminal law and relevant federal constitutional decisions. Includes jury instructions on the evaluation of evidence useful in both criminal and civil cases. Two volumes, softbound, released annually, with access to downloadable .exe files included, consisting of both instructions and commentary text.
Publisher: Matthew Bender

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Print Book:2 volumes, softbound
2023 Edition Includes Downloadable Content: exe
ISBN: 9781663362308
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2023 Edition
ISBN: 9781663362315
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2023 Edition
ISBN: 9781663362315
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ISBN: 9781663362308
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Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary is two-books-in-one, a set of more than 290 criminal pattern jury instructions and a handbook on Maryland criminal law and related topics in evidence and criminal procedure. The criminal law handbook consists of the detailed comments following each pattern jury instruction. These commentaries guide the practitioner through the intricacies of Maryland criminal law. In addition, decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court and noteworthy decisions of federal circuit courts and other state appellate courts are included in the comment sections. Access to downloadable .exe files is included, consisting of both instructions and commentary text.

The 2022 edition ISBN is 9781663329455.

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Table of contents

Volume 1

Table of Jury Instructions

Chapter 1 General Instructions

A. Preliminary Instructions

B. Instructions Relating to the Deliberative Process

Chapter 2 Evaluation of Evidence

A. What Constitutes Evidence

B. Evaluation of Testimony

C. Evaluation of Other Evidence

Chapter 3 States of Mind

Chapter 4 Parties to Crimes and Preliminary Offenses

A. Parties to Crimes

B. Preliminary Offenses

Chapter 5 Offenses Against the Person

A. Assault

B. Child Abuse

C. Unlawful Homicide

D. Kidnapping

E. Sexual Offenses

Volume 2

Table of Jury Instructions

Chapter 6 Offenses Relating to Property

A. Arson

B. Bad Check Offenses: Obtaining Property or Services by Bad Check

C. Burglary

D. Counterfeiting and Issuing

E. Malicious Destruction of Property

F. Robbery and Carjacking

G. Theft

H. Trespass

Chapter 7 Other Offenses

A. Bribery

B. Contempt

C. Disorderly Conduct and Indecent Exposure

D. Disorderly House

E. Driving Offenses: Alcohol and Drugs

F. Escape

G. Extortion

H. Narcotics and Controlled Dangerous Substance Offenses

I. Nonsupport

J. Perjury

K. Resisting Arrest

L. Unlawful Use of Telephone and Electronic Mail

M. Weapons Offenses

Chapter 8 Defenses

A. Alibi

B. Claim of Right

C. Defense of Property

D. Defense of Others

E. Duress

F. Entrapment

G. Good Character of Defendant

H. Insanity

I. Mistake or Ignorance of Fact

J. Mistaken Identity

K. Necessity

L. Self-Defense

M. Voluntary Intoxication

Appendix I How to Make a Jury Instruction Request and Procedure for Preserving the Record for Possible Appeal When a Requested Instruction is Denied

Appendix II Supplementing Oral Instructions with Written or Electronically Recorded Instructions

Table of Cases

Table of Statutes
